

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

May 27, 2020

Content Strategy & Digital Accessibility: An Interactive Group Discussion


Devon Persing, Jennifer Reilly & Sierra Seeborn

6:00 pm

Pacific Time



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Join us for a special event co-sponsored by A11ySea, the Seattle Area Accessibility and Inclusive Design Meetup.

Devon Persing, an accessibility specialist at Shopify, will introduce how content strategy intersects with digital accessibility, talk about common disabilities that can impact how people interact with and understand content, and provide an overview of how popular assistive technologies interact with content on the web.

Jennifer Reilly, a UX writer at Google, will present a short walk-through of Material Design’s best practices for inclusive writing, including tips on:

  • using content hierarchy to make UI text easier to navigate via screen reader
  • writing clear, concise accessibility text (for example, ARIA labels and alt text)
  • creating links that can stand on their own

She will also share some top resources for learning more about inclusive design.

Sierra Seeborn, an interaction designer at Google, will briefly describe her experience ramping up as an interaction designer, and share resources that have been critical to that journey.

After brief presentations and discussion with our speakers, we will use breakout rooms to apply what we've learned by looking at some sites and discussing in smaller groups.

About the speaker(s)

Devon Persing

Devon Persing has been working as an accessibility specialist since 2012. She currently co-leads the accessibility team at Shopify, co-organizes the Seattle Area Accessibility and Inclusive Design (A11ySea) meetup, and teaches workshops at the School of Visual Concepts. Before focusing on accessibility, she worked as an information architect, developer, and librarian.

Sierra Seeborn

Sierra Seeborn is an interaction designer whose interest in accessible design is finally aligned with organizational priorities. She got her start in user experience design working as a contractor in Shanghai, China, returned state-side with Expedia, and is now chipping in to transform Google’s Cloud Platform.

Jennifer Reilly

Jennifer Reilly is a Seattle-based UX Writer focused on accessibility and the Google Cloud Platform. She has over a decade of content strategy and writing experience. Before joining Cloud, she worked as a content strategist at Expedia and at Google in NYC, where she collaborated with teams including Crisis Response, Google for Education, and Local Guides.

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