
We started as a meetup and grew into a vibrant community.
We've been connecting people and amplifying content strategy voices in Seattle since 2009.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 12, 2024

The Future of Multilingual Content: Leveraging Localization for Global Success

Image of the speaker for this event

Pascale Tremblay

Join us for a timely event on language operationalization across your content strategy. What you'll learn:

Understanding Localization vs. Translation: Gain clarity on the distinction between content localization and translation and learn how culturally resonant content can significantly enhance user experience, brand loyalty and market penetration.

Leveraging Language Technologies to optimize content generation processes: discover the latest advancements in localization technology and learn how you can effectively leverage these tools to elevate customer experience and optimize your team’s workflows and outputs.

Strategic Global Content Best Practices: Explore the future of global content strategy, focusing on innovative practices that merge source and target languages into an experiential paradigm. Providing a competitive edge in the international market.

See slides, video, and more...GEt details

Blog Post

March 31, 2024

Elevating UX Content Standards: A Page from Print History or — What Would Mom Do?


Jill Nagle

For us logophiles, a well-strung-together sentence is more than a literary achievement — it’s like brain candy.

Read the blog post...

Past events

Since COVID-19 has taken our meetup virtual,  we're reaching a wider audience than ever with online events, videos, and blog posts from content strategy experts across the country. View slides, videos, and related resources from all our events.

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We've curated our favorite resources on key topics in content strategy. We've asked some leaders in the field to contribute their recommendations, too.

Check out our topic pages, blog posts, and event videos to keep up with trends if you're already a pro... or learn the basics if you're just getting started.

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