

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

July 14, 2021

Structured Content, Accessibility & Audience: How SEO Has Evolved


Deborah Carver

6:00 pm

Pacific Time



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With a growth in natural language processing and improved content relevance algorithms, this session will address how SEO has changed in the past 2-3 years, including:

  • Why structured data is critical to algorithmic visibility
  • How optimization has shifted from keywords to topics and entities
  • Understanding your brand’s knowledge graph
  • Building and optimizing for accessibility in the time of the paywall

About the speaker(s)

Deborah Carver

Deborah Carver is an independent content strategist and writer/publisher of The Content Technologist. Since 2011, she’s developed award-winning content strategies, guided website redesigns and ensured algorithmic visibility for Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, publishers, B2B SaaS startups, and everything in between.

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